PenTex Energy Solutions
Providing turnkey solar systems, battery backups and generators not only to you, our members, but to the public. You need not be a member of the cooperative to purchasesystems or equipment.
PenTex Energy Solutions Features:
- Solar solutions properly sized to your home or business.
- American made products, most made right here in Texas.
- You may be eligible to receive up to a 40% tax credit.
- System installation from our local partners.
Solar Distributed Generation Application
PenTex Energy Solutions is a new division of PenTex Energy that will provide turn-key solar systems, battery backups and generators, not only to you, our members, but to the public. You need not be a member of our cooperative to purchase!
We are excited to assist our customers in making informed decisions about Solar and other energy solutions, while offering top of the line products and quality installation services. PenTex energy Solutions has a thorough vetting process when it comes to selection our products and installers. This process ensures every customer receives the highest level of service, using primarily American made products, resulting in a system that is competitively priced and that is built to last for years to come.
Our highly qualified advisors have over fifty years of combined energy experience here at our cooperative and can assist you in making an informed. To learn more about our cost effective and technologically advanced Solar Systems, Generators and Battery products, contact one of our knowledgeable and trusted Energy Management Advisors today!
John Walterscheid
(940) 759-5101
Mitch Creed
(940) 759-5101
Frequently Asked Questions
Distribution Generation Interconnection Manual was developed to establish the PenTex Energy requirements and procedures for the safe installation, interconnection, and parallel operation of distributed generation facilities within the PenTex Energy electric service area.
The PenTex Energy DG Interconnection Manual is aligned with the Texas Public Utility Commission’s (PUC) DG rules and regulations (P.U.C. SUBST. R. 25.211, 25.212 and 25.217) as well as other statutory guidelines, including the Texas Public Utilities Regulatory Act (PURA), which provides for the interconnection and parallel operation of Distributed Renewable Generation with electric utilities in Texas.
The information contained in this Manual has been developed for PenTex Energy members that are interested and/ or considering the installation of interconnected distributed generation. PenTex Energy strives to ensure that our members have all the technical and procedural information needed to have a full understanding of the requirements involved with this process in advance of any decision to install a DG system.
This Manual also provides information for PenTex Energy members regarding the rate (tariff) that the Cooperative has put in place regarding the purchase of any energy that is generated by a DG system and delivered to the Cooperative distribution system. The bottom line: PenTex Energy is committed to the safe interconnection and operation of all DG installations on the Cooperative electric distribution system.
PenTex Energy members should contact the Cooperative very early in the “DG decision-making” process. Our representatives will be glad to take time to answer questions and provide both technical and procedural information regarding your potential DG installation. PenTex Energy DG Policy is clear – DG systems will not be allowed to interconnect and/or operate until the following steps have occurred:
Member must submit information and application to PenTex Energy for the proposed DG system(s). PenTex Energy DG Application Form is included in PenTex Energy DG Interconnection Guidelines Manual – and is also available on the Cooperative website (www.pentex.com) and at PenTex Energy office.
The DG application must be reviewed and approved by PenTex Energy, prior to installation of the DG system. PenTex Energy must confirm that the proposed system meets the technical requirements and specifications and determine if the proposed DG installation requires an engineering study. In some cases, engineering studies are essential to ensure the safe and proper operation of the DG system. Engineering studies may also result in the denial of a DG application.
Once the DG system is installed PenTex Energy will confirm the installation is consistent with the DG Application and meets all PenTex Energy requirements. This inspection must take place prior to interconnecting the DG system with the Cooperative distribution system. P A G E - 6 There is no cost for the Inspection, however, if the DG system or system installation does not pass the initial inspection, PenTex Energy will charge a trip fee based on time and mileage to conduct additional inspection(s).
The member must execute a DG Agreement with PenTex Energy. This agreement is required prior to interconnecting the DG system with the Cooperative distribution system. The DG Agreement provides all DG system technical requirements as well as providing clarification to the kwh purchasing rate that the Cooperative uses in the event any excess energy delivered onto our system.
Through our subsidiary PenTex Energy Solutions LLC, we do sell and install DG systems. Please contact our Energy Management Advisors for more information.
PenTex Energy will provide firm estimates for the cost of an installed solar PV (DG) system along with estimates of energy output and the associated costs savings for the proposed system. In general, the installed cost of solar DG has decreased significantly over the past several years as the industry realizes economies of scale in the purchase of the main system elements (PV panels and inverters). That said, the return-on- investment (ROI) for these systems is based on the size, typical output, location of the system and the avoided costs to purchase energy from PenTex Energy There are excellent tools available to consider ROI on solar.
PenTex Energy utilizes meter data and information specific to the Member’s account / premise and can incorporate this information in the proposal for the Member. The Cooperative also recommends the “PV Watts Calculator” that has been developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to Members that are interested in obtaining information about the cost effectiveness and financial analysis for solar DG systems.
The term “technical requirements” can be a little confusing in terms of the DG application, installation and agreement process. Here are some key things to know and consider regarding technical requirements:
PenTex Energy has adopted the technical requirements and specifications that are aligned and consistent with the Texas Public Utility Commission (PUC) DG Rule. These specifications set forth the requirements for the safe interconnection and operation of DG systems. These requirements also establish the criteria used to determine if an engineering study is needed.
Many technical requirements are addressed / covered by having “pre-certified” equipment with appropriate IEEE, UL and other “stamps of approval” from the DG system manufacturer. For most systems, these certifications signal to PenTex that the system being installed meets and/or exceeds technical engineering requirements for the major components of the system (e.g., the solar panels and inverter(s)).
There are also technical requirements related to the installation. PenTex Energy has provided the requirements (technical and procedural) in this Manual. Several of these requirements are included in the DG Application Form and the DG Agreement. These documents are included in this Manual.
The DG Applicantshall install a secondary meter base for a “DG Output Meter” to measure the output of the DG system. The DG meter will be supplied by PenTex Energy. DG Applicant is responsible for the cost of the secondary meter base and the DG meter.
PenTex Energy will reimburse members for energy “delivered to” the Cooperative distribution system at the avoided cost of energy rate (ACER). The ACER is calculated based on the Cooperative’s wholesale electric energy provider’s monthly invoices. The Member’s compensation for the excess energy supplied to the Cooperative during the monthly billing period shall accumulate as a monetary credit to be applied to energy purchases by Member
Yes, the Securitized Cost Recovery Factor (SCRF) is applied to all Kwh’s that are consumed by a location. The PV system meter will be used to calculate the proper number of kilowatt hours subject to the SCRF. Total system output minus the Kwh’s purchased from the member at the avoided cost (DG credit) plus the Kwh’s delivered to the member equals the total Kwh’s subject to the charge.